Online Algebra Tutoring Works
Are you struggling to learn Algebra? Do you need help preparing for exams?
Online Algebra Tutoring is the solution. Get help when you need it, for as long as you need it, at a reasonable price.
Contact an online algebra tutor now.
For far too many students, the Algebra classroom is a terrifying place. Learning all these new formulas and rules can be overwhelming. And if one falls behind early in the year, it is next to impossible to recover. An Algebra course builds on previously knowledge. If you don't "get" the topics covered in Chapter 2, there is almost no way you are going to be successful in later Chapters 3, 4, and beyond.
I am an algebra teacher now, but I was not always good at math. In fact, math never came easy to me. I had to put in hours and hours of studying and practice to master the material. But I was also very lucky. While not a teacher by trade, my mother loved mathematics and was always there when I needed help. If I was ever stuck on a homework problem or had questions about a theorem, she was always happy to walk me through the solution or explain what the theorem was all about. I credit this one-on-one instruction from my mother for all my success in mathematics. Without it, I would never have moved beyond my first couple Algebra courses and certainly would not have become a teacher. And this is a very important point.
Most Students Struggle with Algebra because they do not Receive Individual, 1-to-1, Help.
As a high school math teacher, I know this to be an absolute truth. Teachers simply do not have the time or resources to provide one-on-one Algebra help to every student. Sure, they can walk around the room and help students individually for a few minutes, but with 30 or more students in every class, the time is just not available to provide all struggling students with the help they deserve.
The students who excel in Algebra are typically the ones who are able to go home and receive help from their parents or a private tutor. They have a HUGE advantage because of this.
So what can you do if there is no parent to help or if a private tutor (and their $40-$50 per hour rates) are not an option?
As just mentioned, Algebra tutoring can be extremely expensive. The traditional choices - Private Math Tutors and Corporate Tutoring Centers - can easily run you anywhere from $35-$55 per hour. This is not the kind of one-on-one help I am talking about. Sure, spending an hour or two with a private tutor at a scheduled time can be helpful, but it certainly isn't going to do you or your child any good when they are stuck on an Algebra problem at 11:00PM the night before a test. Plus, $40-$55 per hour is entirely too much to pay.
Online Algebra Tutoring to the Rescue
If you have yet to give online algebra tutoring a try, you are in for a treat. Everything takes place online. Students and Teacher share an interactive whiteboard and are able to talk to each other live and work through problems by utilizing the interactive two-way whiteboard. It's safe, parents can monitor EVERYTHING, and it's a life saver for students without access to immediate algebra help at home.
You can receive unlimited online algebra tutoring and homework help at many sites for less than $3 per day. For around the same cost of a single hour of tutoring from a tutor at one of the big corporate tutoring centers, you can receive live algebra tutoring and homework help, when you need it, for as long as you need it, 24 hours a day, while in your pajamas, and from the safety and comfort of your own home.
Finding a tutoring company to work with will take some reseach. One tip is to make sure you select a service that is based in, and hires tutors from, the country in which you reside, as great communication between student and tutor is an absolute necessity when working through algebra concepts.
Online Algebra Tutoring recommendations:
Wyzant Tutoring - Online tutoring with virtual whiteboard, video chat, desktop sharing and more.
Gifted & Learning - Online courses, expert tutors. Courses developed by Stanford University.
eTutorworld - Live online math tutoring. Free Trial.