Algebra Tiles - Adding Integers using Algebra Tiles, Models & Rules
Worksheet (Pre-Algebra)

Algebra Tiles - Adding Integers using Algebra Tiles, Models & Rules Worksheet
This worksheet includes problems on adding and subtracting integers using algebra tiles and models and the rules for addition. Students must write numerical expressions for models, use the rules for addition to find sums, and to write subtraction as equavalent addition statements and solve.
1. To use algebra tiles and rules for integers to add and subtract
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Adding Integers using Algebra Tiles & Rules
1-6 Write a numerical expression for each model. Then find the sum. Let each white tile equal +1 and each black tile equal -1. Use the Rules for Adding Integers to find each sum.
7) 5 + (-4)
8) 10 + (-5)
9) -3 + 5
10) 4 + (-12)
11) -20 + 5
12) -5 + 5 Write each subtraction as an equivalent addition. Then use the Rules for Addition to find the sum.
16) 2 – 5
17) 10 – 3
18) -5 – 5
19) 7 – (-2)
20) 0 – 25
21) 0 – (-3)
22) -4 – (-5)
23) 12 – (-12)
24) |-2| – |-6|
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