Teaching Schools
Accredited Teaching Colleges & Universities
The following online teaching schools, colleges, and universities offer a wide selection of online teaching degree programs for both the aspiring teacher and for current teachers needing to complete master's degrees for professional development and advancement. Only accredited online teaching schools are reviewed.
West Virginia University offers a great variety of programs that be completed 100% online. West Virginia online is a great option for those looking for an online education from an extremely well...
Strayer University is known for its higher education programs for working adults looking to advance their careers. They currently have more than 54,000 students enrolled in online programs and at...
Capella University is a fully accredited university that offers affordable and flexible online degree programs in Education and other fields such as Technology, Finance, Accounting, and more. Capella...
Grand Canyon University is an accredited online college staffed with faculty and staff who are leaders in academia and have real-world experience in the field they teach. Grand Canyon University...
Ashford University has a campus location in Clinton, Iowa and is based out of San Diego, CA. Most students enrolled at Ashford study exclusively online. They offer over 50 different degree programs...
As one of the premier online universities with a widely identified name, Kaplan University provides a multitude of online programs for either full-time or part-time college students seeking to earn a...