Fractions - Equivalent Fractions and Simplest Form

Worksheet (Pre-Algebra)

PDF: Pre-Algebra - fractions, equivalent fractions

Fractions - Equivalent Fractions and Simplest Form Worksheet

This Free Pre-Algebra Worksheet contains problems where students must write equivalent fractions and express fractions in simplest form.


4. To write equivalent fractions and fractions in simplest terms.


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Free Pre-Algebra Worksheet
Equivalent Fractions
Simplest Form

Find three fractions equivalent to the given fraction.

1) 1/3
3) 7/9
5) 9/100
7) 2/5

Write each fraction in simplest form.
7) 2/8
9) 14/35
11) 24/60
13) 44/56
15) 57/75
17) 17/17

19) Earth has completed 68/100 of its rotation around the sun. Write this fraction in simplest form. 20) Jupiter has completed 45/165 of its rotation around the sun. Write this fraction in simplest form.

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