Simplifying Variable Expressions - Like Terms - Distributive Property

Worksheet (Pre-Algebra)

PDF: Pre-Algebra - distributive property, variable expressions

Simplifying Variable Expressions - Like Terms - Distributive Property Worksheet

This Free Pre-Algebra Worksheet includes problems on variable expressions and like terms. Problems require students to use the distributive property and combining like terms to simplify and evaluate expressions.


2. To combine like terms and use the distributive property to simplify variable expressions


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Simplifying Variable Expressions

Simplify each expression using the distributive property and combining like terms.

1) 4 + 3x + 7
2) 6x + (-2x)
3) 3(-4x) + 3 – 5
4) 5a + 4a + 3a + 2a + a
5) 3(5t) – 2(2t)
6) 5z + 4y + 3z + 2y
7) 10(w + 2x) – 2(w – x)
8) (2t + 4)3 + 6(-5t) – (-8)
9) 5(4a – 2b + c) + 3(2a – 5b)
10) -2(4x + 2y) – 3(x + 2z) + 5(3y – 2z)

Simplify. Evaluate when x = 2, y = -5, and z = 8

13) z(2x + 3x)

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