Distributive Property, Combining Like Terms, Addition/Multiplication Rules
Worksheet (Pre-Algebra)

Distributive Property, Combining Like Terms, Addition/Multiplication Rules Worksheet
This Free Pre-Algebra Worksheet contains problems requiring the use of the distributive property and combining like terms to simplify expressions. The worksheet begins with a great quote from Ogden Nash, "Minus times minus results in a plus, The reason for this, we needn't discuss". It then reviews the rules for addition and subtraction then includes problems involving the distributive property and combining like terms.
2. To use the distributive property and combining like terms to simplify expressions
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Pre-Algebra Review WS
Distributive Property/Combining Like Terms
Adding Rules
1. Is the signs are the same, ________ the numbers and _________ the sign.
2. If the signs are different, ____________ the numbers, keep the sign of the
____________ number.
Simplify each expression.
1. 5a + 8a
5. t – 3 + 2(t + 2)
10. 6(2x + y) + 2y – 12x
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