Using Formulas - Area and Perimeter
Worksheet (Pre-Algebra)

Using Formulas - Area and Perimeter Worksheet
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Free Pre-Algebra Worksheet
Using Formulas
1) What is the formula for the perimeter of a rectangle?
2) What is the formula for the area of a rectangle?
3) What is the formula for the area of a triangle?
4) What is the formula for the area of a circle?
5) What is the formula for the circumference of a circle?
6) Find the perimeter and area of the rectangle.
7) Find the perimeter and area of the square.
8) Find the area of a triangle with base = 10 ft and height = 30 ft. Draw a sketch of this triangle.
9) Find the area and circumference of a circle with radius = 5 in. Draw a sketch of this circle. 1
3) The formula D =1.5 x (s + s2 ) ÷ 20 is used to determine the approximate distance is takes a car to stop when traveling on a wet road. If a car is traveling at 15 mph on a wet road, find its stopping distance.
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