Free Triangles Worksheets

PDF: Geometry - triangles, geometry proofs
This free geometry proofs worksheet contains problems and proofs where students must use the triangle congruence postulates (SSS, SAS, ASA, AAS, HL, CPCTC) when completing proofs involving...
Worksheet (Geometry)
Answer Key: Yes
Problems: 8
PDF: Geometry - triangles, inequalities, triangle inequality theorem
This free geometry worksheet contains problems on the properties of inequalities in triangles - including the Triangle Inequality Theorem (the sum of the lengths of any two sides of a triangle is...
Worksheet (Geometry)
Answer Key: Yes
Problems: 15
PDF: Geometry - triangles, concurrent lines, altitude, median
This geometry worksheet contains problems on concurrent lines in triangles. Concepts and vocabulary include points of concurrency, perpendicular bisectors, angle bisectors, altitudes, medians, and...
Worksheet (Geometry)
Answer Key: Yes
Problems: 9
