Free Math Worksheets

PDF: Algebra - inequalities, graphing
This free algebra worksheet contains 14 inequality problems. Students must solve inequalities and graph their solutions on a number line. Number line is provided for first 6 exercises.
Worksheet (Algebra)
Answer Key: No
Problems: 14
PDF: Algebra - inequalities, graphing
This free algebra worksheet begins by reviewing the rule stating to reverse the sign of the inequality when multiplying or dividing both sides by a negative. Students must use this rule and inverse...
Worksheet (Algebra)
Answer Key: No
Problems: 14
PDF: Algebra, Pre-Algebra - slope, standard form
This free algebra worksheet contains problems on slope-intercept form, standard form, and point-slope form. It begins with a review of all 3 forms then students must complete problems using each.
Worksheet (Algebra)
Answer Key: No
Problems: 8
PDF: Algebra, Pre-Algebra - slope
This free algebra worksheet contains problems on slope-intercept form. Students must use slope-intercept to identify the slope and y-intercept in a given equation, to write equations given slope and...
Worksheet (Algebra)
Answer Key: No
Problems: 15
PDF: Algebra, Pre-Algebra - slope, rate of change
This free worksheet contains problems on rate of change and slope. Problems include finding rate of change from a table and graph, finding slope from the graph of a line, and finding the slope of a...
Worksheet (Algebra)
Answer Key: Yes
Problems: 15
PDF: Algebra, Pre-Algebra - slope, rate of change
This worksheet contains problems on slope as rate of change. This was originally used in class as a note-taking sheet but could be used as an assignment with instruction and explanation from teacher.
Worksheet (Algebra)
Answer Key: No
Problems: 12
PDF: Algebra, Pre-Algebra - slope, standard form
This worksheet contains problems on slope-intercept and standard form. Students must graph equations using slope and y-intercept when in slope-intercept form and using the x-intercept and y-intercept...
Worksheet (Algebra)
Answer Key: Yes
Problems: 11
PDF: Algebra, Pre-Algebra - slope
This worksheet contains problems where students must use the slope formula (rise/run or vertical change/horizontal change) to find the slope of lines given both a graph and a pair of points.
Worksheet (Algebra)
Answer Key: No
Problems: 15
PDF: Algebra - factor, factoring, rational expressions
This worksheet contains problems where students must use factoring to simplify, multiply, and divide rational expressions involving polynomials. Most problems on this worksheet require the factoring...
Worksheet (Algebra)
Answer Key: No
Problems: 8
PDF: Algebra - radicals
This free algebra worksheet contains problems where students must simplify expressions containing radicals. Students must simplify all radical answers completely. Problems include the addition,...
Worksheet (Algebra)
Answer Key: No
Problems: 15
