Free Math Worksheets

PDF: Algebra - Matrices
This free algebra worksheet contains problems on matrices. Students must find the product of matrices, write matrix equations, and solve matrix equations.
Worksheet (Algebra)
Answer Key: Yes
Problems: 9
PDF: Trigonometry - Exponential Functions, compound interest
This free trigonometry worksheets contains problems on applications of exponential functions. Students must find interest compounded annually, semi-annually, quarterly, and continuously. Other...
Worksheet (Trigonometry)
Answer Key: Yes
Problems: 10
PDF: Trigonometry - Logarithms
In this free trigonometry worksheet, students must complete problems involving logarithmic functions. Students must express logarithmic functions as exponential functions, exponential functions as...
Worksheet (Trigonometry)
Answer Key: Yes
Problems: 15
PDF: Calculus - integrals
This free calculus worksheet contains problems on definite integration. Students must evaluate the definite integral by applying various integration rules and properties.
Worksheet (Calculus)
Answer Key: Yes
Problems: 15
PDF: Calculus - derivative
This free calculus worksheet contains problems where students must find the derivative of natural logarithmic functions (ln). Final two problems require use of Implicit differentiation to solve.
Worksheet (Calculus)
Answer Key: Yes
Problems: 15
PDF: Trigonometry - Trigonometry Functions, functions
This free trigonometry worksheet contains problems where students must find the exact values of inverse trigonometric functions. Problems in this worksheet use the notation sin<sup>-1</sup...
Worksheet (Trigonometry)
Answer Key: Yes
Problems: 20
PDF: Trigonometry - Trigonometry Functions, functions
<p> This free trigonometry worksheets features problems on inverse trigonometric functions. Functions use the notation sin<sup>-1</sup> instead of arcsin.&nbsp; Students must...
Worksheet (Trigonometry)
Answer Key: Yes
Problems: 23
PDF: Trigonometry - Trigonometry Functions, functions
This free trigonometry worksheet contains problems where students must find the value of inverse circular trigonometric functions. Students must apply the properties of arcsin, arccos, and arctan...
Worksheet (Trigonometry)
Answer Key: Yes
Problems: 14
PDF: Trigonometry - Trigonometry Functions, functions
This free trigonometry worksheet contains problems on Inverse Circular Functions. Students must find the exact value of expressions that contain inverse trigonometry circular functions like arcsin,...
Worksheet (Trigonometry)
Answer Key: Yes
Problems: 15
PDF: Trigonometry - Logarithms
This free trigonometry worksheet contains problems on common logarithms. The worksheet begins with problems where students must find the mantissa and characteristic of logarithms. The remaining...
Worksheet (Trigonometry)
Answer Key: Yes
Problems: 10
